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戏剧课程在全面的文科教育中提供严格的音乐学院式的培训,并以负担得起的公立学校价格提供. 该课程旨在帮助学生满足戏剧专业生涯的严格要求,并提供坚实的艺术基础和实践经验. 该项目由现任和前任艺术总监组成的充满活力的教师团队领导, actors, singers, designers, 以及与全美顶尖行业专业人士有着深厚联系的舞者.

CMU’s Acting/Directing Bachelor of Fine Arts program offers rigorous, 学院式的培训在一个全面的文科教育在一个负担得起的公立学校的价格. 该课程旨在帮助年轻的戏剧艺术家为快节奏的生活做好准备, challenging and ever-changing world of stage, television and film. 该项目由现任和前任艺术总监组成的充满活力的教师团队领导, actors, singers, 设计师和舞者与来自全国各地的顶级行业专业人士有联系. 表演/导演专业的学生可以期待一整套斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基式的表演课程, in addition to training in Shakespeare, and training in voice, speech, acting for the camera, script analysis, movement, stage combat, make-up, dance and more. Upon completion of the program, students with a BFA from CMU will have the skills, 知识和信心是进入顶尖研究生课程或直接进入这个行业所必需的.

Academic Requirements for Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting/Directing

At Colorado Mesa University, 我们培养大胆的艺术和学术先驱,准备成为我们行业要求的杰出人物. CMU努力促进学生作为艺术家群体存在的环境, who create work together and are active supporters of each other. This is an intimate and rigorous program. 我们为学生提供个性化的关注,专注于让学生成为最好的自己. The program accentuates absolute involvement and immersion in our seasons. 这种对制作过程的深入参与使学生为在CMU的墙壁之外制作戏剧的严格和要求做好了准备. Facilities in the Moss Performing Arts Center are state-of-the-art. We have a multi-level costume construction and design facility, a spacious scenic construction area, 一个坚固的和完全操纵的舞台空间和一个实验性的黑盒子风格的剧院.

Academic Requirements for Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design/Technology

CMU的音乐戏剧艺术学士课程在全面的文科教育中提供严格的学院式培训,并以负担得起的公立学校价格提供. The program is designed to prepare triple threats in acting, 多种音乐风格的演唱和多种舞蹈风格的动作. 该项目由现任和前任艺术总监组成的充满活力的教师团队领导, actors, singers, 设计师和舞者与来自全国各地的顶级行业专业人士有联系. 音乐剧院的学生在一个亲密的环境中发展所有学科的表演. 个性和多样性是所有表演课程(从当代到莎士比亚)的核心。, vocal studies (including jazz, pop and rock) and dance classes (jazz, tap and hip hop).

Academic Requirements for Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music Theatre

戏剧艺术系提供科罗拉多州最成功的戏剧培训学位课程之一. 戏剧艺术专业的学生可以从两个不同的方向中选择戏剧艺术学士学位(表演/导演或音乐剧)。, 两个文学学士学位(戏剧艺术或设计/技术)或舞蹈艺术学士学位,并在最先进的设施中获得对表演艺术的充分理解. 该计划的目标是鼓励对表演或设计/技术以外的戏剧职业感兴趣的学生进行一般戏剧研究, such as producing, arts administration, teaching, dramaturgy or playwriting. Beginning with the first semester, 学生们遵循的课程提供了基础,同时允许灵活地集中注意力或在舞蹈之间移动, theatre, musical theatre or design/technical theatre options.

Academic Requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts

传播学辅修课程提供了广泛的课程,专注于人类的交流行为,旨在补充任何专业. 该课程旨在提高口头信息传递和人际沟通技巧. In a global survey of industries, companies and public organizations, 沟通能力被雇主排在大学毕业生个人素质的首位. 辅修传播学可以提高毕业生的沟通可信度,并为他们打开许多大门. 它还增强了人际关系-学生获得宝贵的解决冲突和领导技能, learn to win arguments, discover the power of persuasion, speak out publicly, 更有效地使用非语言和视觉交流,并能够在日益紧密的联系中完成所有这些, diverse global society.

Academic Requirements for Minor in Communication Studies

Through the theatre minor, 学生可以从广泛的戏剧领域选择课程,包括:表演, scenery, costumes, theatre history, the teaching of theatre, arts management and dramatic literature. 学生也将有机会获得在CMU戏剧季创作节目的实践经验.

Academic Requirements for Minor in Theatre

Upcoming Auditions for Future Students

所有即将入学的新生或转学生都必须参加试镜,以考虑获得奖学金,并获得表演/导演艺术学士和美术学士学位课程的入学资格, Music Theatre and Dance. Although it is not required, 我们强烈建议设计/技术专业的学生参加入学面试和奖学金考虑.

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